Monday, August 30, 2010

Eat Pray Love

I just had one of the best Sunday afternoons ever. I got to spend the whole day with my mom and sister. We went to go see Eat Pray Love. The movie was incredible. I love to travel and see the different cultures of the world. After the movie we went to World Market, my new obsession. This place is incredible. They have all of this amazing stuff from around the world that are imported in bulk so they aren't so expensive. I could go soooo bankrupt in that store! In fact, i almost did! Haha!

Everyday i find myself more and more eager to see the world and experience it's range of personalities. I want to speak another language. I want to marvel at the taste of foreign cuisine. I want to look into the eyes of desolation. I want to stand where those who truly marveled at the stars stood. I want to be influenced. I want to really feel the history of a foreign land. I want to rejoice over someone else's delight. I want to get out of here.

Please go see this movie. Ignore some of the weird romantic details, though. It gets somewhat annoying.


  1. Ahh! I told you the movie was incredible.
    Or, if I didn't tell you that, I should have!

    It definitely wakes up the travel bug in me as well.

    P.S. We love World Market. LOVE.

  2. i bet i would love that movie...
    i already had a big desire to travel haha. thats awesome Dillon.
