Tuesday, August 21, 2012

supposed former Jesus junkie

Ok so i'm not sure how many people still actually read my blog on here. Nevertheless, i'm gonna give an update. a somewhat melancholy one.

I'm living in Philadelphia. I'm studying musical theatre. I'm working towards my career goals. I'm doing what I've wanted to do for so long.

But i miss home. I miss my senior year of high school when I was innocent. I mean, don't get me wrong, I haven't done anything bad or anything since, but I just feel TOO educated in the ways of the world right now. I miss being so close with my church back at home. I love my church here but i don't really have a family there. Zoar was my everything. My friends and family back home were so supportive of me. They still are, but now i never get to see them. I'm seriously going to go nuts if I don't see my mom and sister soon. I really miss my dad as well. I just didn't live with him most of my life so we're really good at keeping a close relationship long distance. I feel like i'm missing a limb not having my sister or mom near me. I just feel like i'm missing out on time with my mom. She and Summer are my everything and i feel like at the end of my life i'm going to look back and wish that i had spent more time with them rather than move away to pursue my career.

I love my Philly friends, don't get me wrong. I just feel like 33% of Dillon is Philadelphia and the other 67% is Louisiana.

And i know that she doesn't follow my blog anymore, but i'm hiding this in the middle of this posts so it's kinda camouflaged, but i miss Cassie. I might be in love with this woman. I think about her a LOT. She's an incredible child of God who only aims to please Him. I've just never felt THIS strongly about someone.

I just miss my old life. There are plenty of days when i don't miss it. But lately i've been missing it nonstop. I guess i'll just have to learn to close one chapter and let another chapter run its course. It just sucks in the meantime.

I love you guys. Whoever is out there reading this. Thanks for listening. I'm sorry i haven't posted in a million years. God Bless!

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