This week has been quite an intense one. I find myself discovering more and more everyday. The odd thing is that many of the things i'm just now discovering have been thrown in my face for some time now. It's literally nothing new. Here i sit, grateful for things reiterated.
Last week my bible study leader/great friend Jason Sheridan spoke to me and the rest of The Council of Kings about leaving an imprint on the world that declares God's name. We've all heard the basis of christianity which is: believe that God is the father of us all, that Jesus Christ was the messiah who saved us from our sins, and that we are TO MAKE DISCIPLES. That latter part was the least prominent in my little Jesus Agenda for my life.
My view on the matter was, "okay God, you know the kind of person that i am! You know that i'm not the type of person who is gung-ho about speaking to strangers and who is gonna push people even sometimes to the point of their unsatisfaction. You know that i like when everyone is happy. Soooooo that MUST mean that me not partying, drinking, cursing, sleeping around, etc. is what i'm called to do. Cool, thanks bro!"
Sure, the things that i thought were the important parts of my placement in God heart are in fact very important in the grand scheme of christianity. But they are only compartments of the one major reason for my existence. Jason made a HUGE point when talking to us. He said, "trying to love one another," something i forgot to mention prior to this quote," is not the only thing that we are called to do here." He said, "JUST loving someone doesn't save them from Hell, does it?" That beast shot right through my charcoal human heart!
How dare i lay here dormant in my faith as i try to work out every single kink in my own spiritual life and not make it so that other people share the reason i have for living. I'm so sick of sitting here, in this cesspool of shame and guilt concerning the things i keep screwing up in my life! I want to actually leave an IMPRINT of God's name on this earth, no matter the size! I want to come boldly to the throne of grace and accept my title as fisher of men!
So that was my mental state all during thanksgiving. And i KNOW it was Jesus! i mean, other than the obvious reasons for the accusations, i felt SOOOO empowered by the Spirit. So, i prayed, and prayed, and prayed. And today i got to put it into action. I asked God, "please give me the strength to do SOMETHING for you kingdom today!" He did. I decided to take a walk around campus after class and came across this girl sitting outside of the music building, obviously waiting for a class to begin. Her name was Olivia. I saw her reading some science fiction novel and just KNEW that this was going to be very interesting. I went up to her and told her that because finals were coming up, i wanted to just pray with her over the entire student body. She looked at me and said, "Sorry, i'm not really religious." Now, the normal Dillon would have, you guessed it, said, "ok, sorry" and walked off. Automatically i replied, "You don't have to be religious to pray. Here, i'll do the talking!" So we sat there for about a minute and i prayed aloud my thanks to God for our opportunity to receive an education and for His son Jesus who died for our sins. I finished, asked for her name so that i could continue to pray for her, smiled (which was returned) and walked off. I felt sooooo empowered! Enough to inspire me to do the same with a nice gentleman by the name of Daniel who was sitting about fifty yards from Olivia. This guy looked a little split-minded, not unlike myself. We prayed, i got his name, told him i would be praying for him, and asked him to do the same for me. And that was my day with God. Bam. It's not that hard.
I know hardly anybody reads this junk. I know of only one. I just pray that whoever does read it, may use my story and apply it to their life so that to Him be the Glory! He is worthy to be praised!