Hear we go. Another year is starting. A new set of classes and a new set of nerves for how the year is going to end up. Oh boy. I hate this part. Am i going to be able to handle my schedule? Will my work load be too much for me? Will i be able to have a social life? QUESTIONS QUESTIONS QUESTIONS! I might have to do a bit of tweaky tweaky to my school/life schedule.
I'm just gonna lay it all on the table. I FINALLY got the chance to take a dance class at school and im going to be in a piece that's in a showcase at the end of the semester. I can indeed do one or the other. However, i would like to do both. Here's the issue. As badly as i wanted this and as quickly as i would have ditched other classes to take this one, i've really felt called to focus a lot on my art classes. That IS my career after all! I have three studio classes this semester. AKA......a LOT of work! And i would rather become the best in my area of study than try something else and it effect the main reason why i'm even at college!
I honestly don't know what to do. I've wanted this for a while. I feel like i've finally been given the opportunity and now its too much. It's simply a matter of scheduling being too heavy. Ya know what? Maybe i should just go with my gut. Maybe i should just follow my instincts. Ok. Here we go. Time to lay it all down at HIS feet and allow God to take care of this situation!
Thanks blogspot for being my outlet for this kind of stuff :)