Thursday, February 4, 2010

light in the darkness.....

If you are paying attention to my time in between postings, you will realize how quickly God can work. That's one thing about my God that i love. As you have noticed, i've been feeling really suppressed lately. I've been in this deep pit that felt so inescapable. I felt lonely. But i preferred it. I felt pressured. I hid from it. I hated the world for being so happy when i was so NOT! Everything felt so distant and impossible. I felt so caged into my surroundings and my education. Weird, i know! I LOVE my university. And i LOVE my abilities and my knowledge. But i still felt so measured. So sized up. So DECIDED. Every night i prayed and prayed "God give me the peace that surpasses all understanding!" Having a mom who has worked with mental health most of her/my life, and her currently working in a mental hospital, i now realize what she meant when she said that depression was a sickness; one that you had to get over. My previous thoughts on the subject were that people just need to get over themselves. Well that's what i get for judging others. It hurts. A lot. And no matter what people say, no matter how many times you and other people shove more scripture down your throat, God will reveal Himself to you in His timing. I found that tonight. I'VE GOT A LIFE TO START LIVING! Sure, i still feel like i'm living in a hell hole compared to the narnian paradise that i dream of, but i've got to deal with what i've got. And that is still God's green earth, a country filled with opportunities, and a FATHER who snaps his fingers and gets my attention. As much as i think that i'm pursuing HIM, He pursues me one million times more! Now for some much needed rest, on the bed of faith that HE has prepared for me!

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