Thursday, June 24, 2010

bring the rain...

Ok guys. Lately things have been really crazy! And i don't totally mean with scheduling stuff. I mean spiritual emotional stuff. I'm just having to revamp so many areas of my life that i let slip into darkness in a matter of like a month. With the large amounts of rehearsal for footloose, i've pushed God aside and said, "We'll catch up later." Not good. I realize that this is a normal reaction to a busy schedule. But i want to be above the norm.

When i say that God is in control, i mean every bit of it. As many times as i proclaim God's sovereignty, i always find myself trying to MAKE MYSELF good. The bible says, "You began your life in Christ, now you are trying to make it right by your own power? That is foolishness." Hello! There it is . In black and white ink. I think that i am just a victimof that type of personality haha. I always want to be the one to fix anything that i cause to go wrong. But God uses other christian brothers and sisters to help you out and sometimes carry the entire load, just as Christ did/does every day. So i do believe that it's time to loosen the reigns.

My point in telling you all of that was to express how pursuing God really is. Every time i hit a dry spot, any time i find myself in dangerous waters, any time i find myself on the brink of doubt, He draws me back. HE does the work all over again. Because i am not strong enough to take that one big step again to revamp my relationship with Him, He draws me back to Him with His intoxicating spirit. THAT is when i am sure of my salvation, when i can hear Him drawing me back. It's when i feel back at home and the rest of the world seems so trivial from then on. To quote one of the songs overplayed on KLOVE, "He's not finished with me yet!"

If any of you know of the band BRANCH, their lead vocalist, Rachel Ruth, has just released her first solo album! It's quite fantastic! You should check it out!

Rachel Ruth

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